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Ludovic Timbal Duclaux de Martin

Ludovic Timbal Duclaux de Martin

  • Firm: EIRL Me Ludovic Timbal Duclaux de Martin Avocat à la Cour - Barreau de Paris - SCM 22 avenue de l'Observatoire
  • Practice Area: Intellectual Property
  • Country: France
  • 22 avenue de l'Observatoire, Paris, France, 75014.

About Ludovic Timbal Duclaux de Martin

Me Ludovic Timbal Duclaux de Martin is registered as an artists and authors agent (Mandataire d’artistes et d’auteurs) in the Paris Bar. He joined in August 2018 the GLE (Global Law Experts) legal network as the exclusive Intellectual Property Member. His practice includes: – infringement of rights (saisie-contrefaçon, saisie conservatoire, référé including via Internet);
– contract law (transfer of IP rights, copyrights, know how, trademarks); – criminal law; and – settlement agreements. He has the three following predominantly activities, registered as such in the Paris Bar (litigation, which includes mediation and arbitration, business law and European law).
Ludovic holds a  certificate in private law and contract enforcement in the United – States of America and in France (contracts and arbitration) from Yale University & Paris II – Panthéon – Assas (being Major of the paper research – including thesis) and a diploma of professional English from the University of London (British Institute in Paris). He also holds a master’s degree in business law (University of Paris X – Nanterre), a DESS (specialized professional postgraduate diploma) in international commerce (University of Paris X – Nanterre) and a DEA (advanced theoretical postgraduate diploma) in contract law from the University of Paris XI – Sud (now Paris – Saclay). Ludovic is a former speaker in the Master 2 professional Business and Tax Law (Paris I – Panthéon Sorbonne – HEC (path EDS Ecole de Droit de la Sorbonne – Capital Markets)). 
After more than 10 years spent in magic circle law firms (Capital Markets), Ludovic created in 2015 his own law firm developing Intellectual Property. He operates individually only with a patrimoine d’affectation as EIRL (Entrepreneur Individuel à Responsabilité Limitée) under French law. EIRL Me Ludovic Timbal Duclaux de Martin Avocat à la Cour – Barreau de Paris has the quality of Partner as of 01 July 2020 of a Paris based legal means law firm only (SCM – Sociélé Civile de Moyens) 22 avenue de l’Observatoire.
Between 2018 and 2022, Ludovic won numerous awards including the 2019 Intellectual Property Lawyer of the Year Global Award (CorporateLiveWire) – France, the 2019 International Law and Business Lawyer of the Year Award – France from 1902 Media the professional sector network & the global business magazine. Ludovic also won the Global Law Experts 2019 Business Litigation Lawyer of the Year Award – France and is part of the Who’s Who of Corporate INTL which also includes intellectual property (2019, 2020 and 2021). In 2021, he is the winner of numerous IP Lawyer of the Year Awards – France (Corporate INTL, Global Law Experts and Leaders in Law) and is part of the Global Law Experts IP Handbook. In 2022, Ludovic is awarded the Individual – IP Lawyer of the Year – France by Corporate INTL.
In 2023 and 2024, Ludovic is awarded the Individual – IP Lawyer of the Year – France by Corporate INTL.
For a more personal presentation, he belongs to a family of jurists for two centuries: magistrate, professor of law (Professor Timbal at the University of Paris II – Panthéon – Assas), lawyer (bâtonniers, secretary of the conference) and notary. 
He supports economic empowerment and is regarded as dynamic.

Q&A With Ludovic Timbal Duclaux de Martin


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