The international trade journal Wealth & Finance International has presented GRP Rainer with the 2015 Finance Award for banking law and tax law.
GRP Rainer Lawyers and Tax Advisors in Cologne, Berlin, Bonn, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Munich, Stuttgart and London conclude: The law firm GRP Rainer has received the 2015 Finance Award from the trade journal Wealth & Finance International for banking law and tax law (Germany). The prize is awarded to companies and individuals that constantly confront the latest financial and economic developments as well as rise to and overcome the challenges.
In evaluating potential award recipients, the jury looks not only for specialization in a specific field but also a high level of global expertise in all areas of financial advice – from personal and corporate finance to financial management. In addition to a high degree of professionalism and expertise, the assessment criteria also encompass integrity, respectability and responsibility.
In this era of globalization, the commercial law firm GRP Rainer has understood the importance of facing up to the growing number of challenges so as to ensure that both its national and international clients can enjoy greater legal certainty when operating in global markets. This necessitates extensive knowledge of the relevant applicable regulations and legislation as well as interdisciplinary legal advice, both of which GRP Rainer provides from a single source. Apart from commercial law, banking law and tax law, the firm’s core areas of expertise also include, among other things, trade law, company law, competition and antitrust law.
GRP Rainer not only boasts a team of qualified lawyers and tax advisors, it also has a broad international presence. Besides its offices in London and Singapore, the firm additionally collaborates and networks with international law firms in order to ensure optimal support for its clientele.
GRP Rainer has already received multiple awards, with each distinction, including this 2015 Finance Award, serving as an incentive to maintain this high standard and at the same time continue to expand.