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Global Law Experts Digital Marketing

We specialize in helping our members thrive in the digital landscape. We understand
that the legal industry is highly competitive, and effective digital marketing strategies are
crucial to attracting and retaining clients in today’s digital age. With our expertise and
tailored solutions, we empower law firms to strengthen their online presence, engage
their target audience, and achieve their marketing goals.

Our Approach

We take a customer-centric approach to digital marketing. We realize that every law firm has its own objectives, strengths, and target markets. That’s why we work closely with our clients to arrive at bespoke digital marketing strategies tailored to their unique goals and requirements. We combine industry knowledge with cutting-edge strategies to implement campaigns that drive results.

Services We Offer

Website Design and Development

We design modern, easily navigable and appealing websites that highlight law firms’ expertise and singular value propositions. Our user-friendly websites are optimized for SEO and mobile/cell to ensure prominent visibility.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

We facilitate tried-and-tested SEO strategies to increase law firms’ search rankings organically. By optimizing a website’s content, layout and technical components, we ensure that you reach your target market and increase your online visibility.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

Our PPC specialists devise and manage advertising campaigns on platforms such as Google Ads, and all social media, to strategically promote your law firm to potential clients, securing quality leads and maximizing your return on investment in the process.

Content Marketing

We create compelling content to establish your law firm as a thought leader in your specialist areas through the production of unique, informative and engaging blog posts, press releases and white papers, targeted to the relevant markets.

Social Media Marketing

We harness the power of social media platforms to extend law firms’ reach, engage with audiences and promote invaluable connections. To this end, our social media campaigns are geared towards increasing brand awareness alongside website traffic, consequently generating leads.

Online Reputation Management

We assist in building and retaining positive associations through strategic monitoring and proactive maintenance, safeguarding your firm’s image and ensuring that potential clients receive the requisite, beneficial insight when investigating your services.

Conversion Rate Optimisation

SEO-focused content is our speciality. We create content pieces that rank well and earn links. We’re lovers of great content and good story-telling that captivates and converts.

Brand Guidelines and Development

Hands-on social media management for all social platforms. We partner organic social media with paid social ads to deliver high-impact social media campaigns.

Revenue-Increasing Digital Marketing

At Exposure Ninja, we deliver revenue-increasing digital marketing. Just ask our clients.


Our digital marketing campaigns don’t just look good in a presentation; they hit your marketing goals and increase your revenue. (They look good in the presentation too, though.)


We’ll find more customers for your business with fully-managed pay-per-click ads and social media. We’ll future-proof your business through driving consistent traffic using search engine optimisation and content marketing.


We’ll convert more of your existing (and increasing) traffic through conversion rate optimisation and expert website design and development. And we’ll get your existing customers coming back for more with email marketing.


If you want an honest digital marketing company you can trust to deliver measurable results, look no further. Request a free marketing review today and speak with one of our Digital Marketing Consultants.

A Digital Marketing Agency You Can Trust. Really.

We’re tired of people being ripped off by digital marketing agencies that promise the world and fail to deliver.


You deserve an agency you can trust; an agency that’s transparent, honest and delivers on its commitments.


In 2012, we created Exposure Ninja with the sole mission of doing just that.


We’ve helped hundreds of small and medium-sized businesses in dozens of different industries to grow their businesses. You’ll never feel in the dark with us.

Global Law Experts Digital Marketing

Why Choose Us?

Legal Industry Expertise

We have deep knowledge of the legal industry and appreciate the complexities and opportunities that law firms are now confronted with in the digital space. Our expertise allows us to develop strategies specific to the legal community.

Results-Oriented Approach

We strive to deliver tangible results to our clients. Our data-driven strategy and regular performance tracking allow us to optimize campaigns and ensure tailored care. We value our client relationships and prioritize individual attention to all the law firms we work with. Our team takes the time to comprehend your objectives, challenges and target audience, and we will always tailor our services to your requirements.

Transparency and Communication

We believe in transparent and open communication. Accordingly, we provide regular reports and updates to keep you apprised of the progress and performance of your online marketing campaigns.

Ethical Practices

We follow industry guidelines and adhere to strict ethical practices at all times. Our core values of professionalism and integrity aid us in rendering long-term success for our legal partners and clients.

Get Started Today

Step 1 — Order Your Free Digital Marketing Review

Click here to request a free review of your website and digital marketing.

Our Digital Marketing Consultants will record a video showing you the areas of opportunity and potential your website has — including the low-hanging fruit that could immediately increase your leads and sales.

Step 2 — Watch Your Marketing Review Video

Once your digital marketing review video has arrived in your email inbox, watch it, and find out what quick wins and improvements we recommend you make to your website and digital marketing strategy.

Step 3 — Choose to Implement Our Recommended Strategy

Your review video will include a new digital marketing strategy for your business.

You don’t need to use our digital marketing services to follow it. You can implement the quick wins and strategy yourself — if you have the time to do it. If you lack the time or have other important work to do, let’s talk, and we’ll explain how we can support you.

Step 4 — Watch Your Traffic, Leads or Conversions Increase

The strategy we recommend will increase your website’s traffic, lead generation and sales.

We’ve helped hundreds of businesses with ambitious growth goals like yours to double their traffic, triple their leads and quadruple their sales. Each successful campaign started with a company requesting a free digital marketing review.

Request your free website and marketing review, and we’ll show you how you can achieve the same results.


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Global Law Experts is dedicated to providing exceptional legal services to clients around the world. With a vast network of highly skilled and experienced lawyers, we are committed to delivering innovative and tailored solutions to meet the diverse needs of our clients in various jurisdictions.

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