1 Relevant Authorities and Legislation
1.1 Which entities regulate what type of gambling and social/skill gaming activity in your jurisdiction?
Relevant Product | Who regulates it in digital form? | Who regulates it in land-based form? | |
Gaming | Casino gaming (including slots and casino table games such as roulette & blackjack) | State Commission on Gambling Bulgaria. | |
Poker | State Commission on Gambling Bulgaria –casino gaming licence covers poker operations. | ||
Bingo | State Commission on Gambling Bulgaria. | ||
Betting | Betting | State Commission on Gambling Bulgaria. | |
Sports/horse race betting (if regulated separately to other forms of betting) | State Commission on Gambling Bulgaria –casino gaming licence covers poker operations; betting licence covers betting on sports events, greyhound and horse racing. | ||
Fantasy betting (payment to back a ‘league’ or ‘portfolio’ selection over a period of time, for example in relation to sport or shares) | Fantasy betting, i.e. betting on Virtual Sports/events, is regulated by the State Commission on Gambling Bulgaria under the betting licence without falling under different game types. | ||
Lotteries | Lotteries | State Commission on Gambling Bulgaria. | |
Social/Skill arrangements | “Social” gaming with no prize in money or money’s worth | State Commission on Gambling Bulgaria – the game/licence type is “raffle”. | |
Skill games and competitions with no element of chance | Not applicable. |
In addition to those mentioned in the table above, there is another licence type which covers the organisation of activities related to the manufacturing, distribution, servicing, import and distribution of gambling equipment. All licence types are non-transferable and give the rights only to provide services that are explicitly listed in the licence.
1.2 Specify: (i) the law and regulation that applies to the Relevant Products in your jurisdiction; and (ii) – in broad terms – whether it permits or prohibits the offer of Relevant Products to persons located in your jurisdiction.
The Gaming Act, 2018, permits the offering of gaming services for both land-based and online operations only if a licence for a specific game type is granted to the organiser.
Only “legally capable individuals” of age for who no restrictions are provided in the Gaming Act or in other acts may participate in gaming. Persons with legal incapacity may receive tickets or tokens for participation in a conventional lottery, pools, and raffles only as a gift.
Organising gaming activities is forbidden in public state-owned and municipally-owned buildings and in the land belonging to them, in sites of the Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Interior, in buildings housing state administration structures, irrespective of the type of ownership over them, in educational, health care and medical institutions, and also in buildings which are co-owned, without having the prior notarised written agreement of all co-owners.
The activities listed above are forbidden to persons or on sites not having the respective licence issued by the State Commission for Gambling, as well as the actual performance of the activity under an issued licence if the Licence Certificate under Article 34, issued by the Chairperson of the State Commission for Gambling, has not been obtained.
Gaming is only allowed for persons of a legal age (over 18 years old).
2 Application for a Licence and Licence Restrictions
2.1 What regulatory licences, permits, authorisations or other official approvals (collectively, “Licences”) are required for the lawful offer of the Relevant Products to persons located in your jurisdiction?
A valid licence issued by the State Commission on Gambling Bulgaria explicitly stating the type of game that will be organised, and an evaluation report by an approved gaming laboratory (approved by the State Commission on Gambling Bulgaria) to confirm the compliance of the software or devices that will be used, is required in order to operate a gaming company in the territory of Bulgaria.
2.2 Where Licences are available, please outline the structure of the relevant licensing regime.
Gaming and activities under the existing Gaming Act may be organised by:
1. Companies registered in the Republic of Bulgaria or in another EU Member State, another state signatory to the European Economic Area Agreement, or the Swiss Confederation, meeting the requirements of the Act.
2. Sole proprietors – only gambling games on gambling machines and activities relating to the manufacture, import, distribution, and servicing of gambling equipment.
3. The state – only for supporting sports, culture, health care, education, and social services.
4. Non-profit legal entities designated to perform social work activity, registered under the Non-profit Legal Entities Act – in the cases stipulated by the Act.
5. Non-profit legal entities registered in another EU Member State, in another state signatory to the European Economic Area Agreement, or in the Swiss Confederation, through a branch designated to perform social work activity – in the cases stipulated by the Act, with the exception of political parties.
A licence for organising games in a casino may only be issued to a limited liability company or a joint stock company with registered shares.
Each game and activity under the said Regulations within the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria may only be organised under a licence issued by the State Commission for Gambling.
Foreign persons may participate in the companies listed above in cases where in addition to all other requirements set forth by the Regulations, those companies, directly or through companies under their control within the meaning of the Additional Provisions of the Commercial Act, meet at least one of the conditions below:
1. To organise games in a casino at a hotel with three or more stars where the hotel is owned by the company or a company under its control.
2. To have also invested in organising other activities in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, have funds not less than the BGN equivalent of EUR 10,000,000 at the official exchange rate of EUR to BGN, and have made available not less than 500 jobs.
The requirements shall not apply to foreign persons that are registered in another EU Member State, another state signatory to the European Economic Area Agreement, or the Swiss Confederation, or are citizens of such a state.
Persons that shall not be issued a licence
A licence for organising gaming activities, for manufacturing, distribution and servicing, and for import, distribution and servicing of gaming equipment shall not be issued to a sole proprietor or a legal entity, including related persons within the meaning of the Additional Provisions of the Commercial Act, where one the following conditions are present:
1. An owner, partner, shareholder with qualified interest, manager, member of management or controlling body of a company or non-profit legal entity, who has been found guilty of an intentional crime of general nature, except in cases where the same has been officially rehabilitated.
2. The applicant or any of the persons under item 1 above have been declared bankrupt and any creditor has remained unsatisfied, and three years have not elapsed since the date of effectiveness of the court decision which declared the bankruptcy.
3. The applicant or any of the persons under item 1 above have committed crimes against the financial, tax, or social security system and this has been established by an effective verdict, or they have overdue public liabilities exceeding BGN 5,000, and no security amounting to the principal and interest has been provided.
4. The applicant or any of the persons under item 1 have performed activities as a sole proprietor and have participated in a company, the licence (permit) of which for organising gambling activities has been permanently revoked, or against which a penalty has been enforced for performing gambling activities without a licence.
A licence for organising gaming activities, for manufacturing, distribution and servicing, and for import, distribution and servicing of gambling equipment for gambling activities shall not be issued to a sole proprietor or a legal entity in case of unproven source of the funds for organising games and activities under the existing Regulations.
A licence for organising games shall not be issued where a person directly involved in organising the game or in the management of the gambling hall or the casino has been convicted of an intentional crime of general nature, except in cases where the same has been officially recognised as reformed.
A licence for organising games and for performing related activities shall not be issued where the licence for organising gaming or activities of the persons, as well as of their owners, partners, shareholders with qualified interest, managers, members of management or controlling body has been revoked in other EU Member States, in signatories to the European Economic Area Agreement, or in the Swiss Confederation, and this has been confirmed in official correspondence by the competent authorities of the respective state.
Organising gaming is forbidden in public state-owned and municipally owned buildings and in the land belonging to them, in sites of the Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Interior, in buildings housing state administration structures, irrespective of the type of ownership over them, in educational, health care and medical institutions, and also in buildings which are co-owned, without having the prior notarised written agreement of all co-owners.
Physical and/or legal persons are prohibited to install and/or use gaming equipment or communication equipment and/or accept wagers, and/or pay out winnings, or assist or intermediate in any other way for the actual performance of activities of organising gaming without a licence.
Storage of gaming equipment for organising games outside the sites for which a licence is issued is prohibited.
Use of equipment which is not approved by the State Commission for Gambling, or for which the tax due under the Corporate Income Tax Act is not paid, is prohibited.
The manufacture, distribution and servicing, as well as import, distribution and servicing of gaming equipment without a licence issued by the State Commission for Gambling, and also the actual performance of the activity without a Licence Certificate is prohibited.
Licensed organisers may not engage in any activity of manufacturing, import, distribution and servicing of gambling games equipment, except for import of gaming equipment for their own needs.
Licensees may use gaming equipment from a gaming provider only if a proper certificate is issued by an approved gaming laboratory confirming the compliant status of the games and after an approval issued by the State Commission on Gambling. Providers may obtain a licence for manufacturing, distribution and servicing, as well as import, distribution and servicing of gaming equipment with the purpose to be able to provide games to retail operators.
It is very important to mention here that in cases where an applicant has a valid licence to engage in gaming activities issued by a competent authority of another EU Member State, another state signatory to the European Economic Area Agreement, or the Swiss Confederation, facts and circumstances that form the requirements for the issuance of a licence according to the legislation of the state where he was licensed may be taken as proven in the proceedings for consideration of his application. In such a case, the Commission shall request the necessary information from the competent authority of the respective EU Member State, another state signatory to the European Economic Area Agreement, or the Swiss Confederation in line with the cooperation agreement of information exchange signed between them. In the absence of such an agreement, the applicant must provide a certificate of proof of these facts and circumstances issued by the competent authority of the state where the licence was issued, which shall certify, as follows:
1. The requirements set out in the legislation of this state in relation to the issuance of a gaming licence.
2. Proof that the person issued a licence by the competent authority meets these requirements, and the documents based on which this was proven.
2.3 What is the process of applying for a Licence for a Relevant Product?
Together with providing all required relevant due diligence documentation for the company (which includes company and financial data) and related persons, i.e. directors and shareholders, the company must comply with the requirements listed in the Act related to confirmation of investments, depending on the type of licence they are applying for, plus confirmation of having the required amount as a deposit to secure the funds for organising the relevant game. Investments and funds requirements are set in the Regulations as follows:
1. Investments made that amount to not less than BGN 1,000,000 and funds for organising the game that amount to not less than BGN 1,000,000 – for the conventional lottery and numbers lottery games of pools and lotto.
2. Investments made that amount to not less than BGN 1,000,000 and funds for organising the game that amount to not less than BGN 1,000,000 – for betting on outcomes of sports competitions and horse and dog races, betting on chance events and bets relating to the correct guessing of facts.
3. Investments made that amount to not less than BGN 100,000 and funds for organising the game that amount to not less than BGN 200,000 – for raffles, numbers lottery games, bingo and keno, instant lottery, and gambling games with slot gambling machines.
4. Investments made that amount to not less than BGN 600,000 and funds for organising the game that amount to not less than BGN 600,000 – for gambling games in a casino.
5. Investments made that amount to not less than BGN 600,000 – for online betting, and that amount to not less than BGN 300,000 – for gambling games via other electronic means of communication, and means for organising the game that amount to not less than BGN 1,000,000.
6. Investments made that amount to not less than BGN 600,000 – for the manufacture, distribution, and servicing of gambling equipment.
7. Funds for organising activities of import, distribution and servicing of gambling equipment that amounting to not less than BGN 200,000.
The investments listed above have to be made in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria or in the territory of another EU Member State, or in the territory of another state signatory to the European Economic Area Agreement, or the Swiss Confederation.
For licences with a 10-year validity, the required investments are the following:
1. BGN 1,000,000 – for organising numbers lottery games, bingo and keno.
2. BGN 2,000,000 – for organising gambling games in a casino.
3. BGN 400,000 – for organising raffles, instant lotteries, and gambling games with gambling machines.
4. BGN 10,000,000 – for conventional lottery, numbers lottery games such as pools and lotto, betting on outcomes of sports competitions and horse and dog races, betting on chance events and bets relating to the correct guessing of certain facts.
5. BGN 2,000,000 for organising online gaming or games via other electronic means of communication.
6. BGN 1,200,000 – for the manufacture, distribution and servicing of gambling equipment.
7. A licence for import, distribution and servicing of gambling equipment shall be issued for a term of 10 years only where the funds for organising the activity, which has been proven in advance to the Commission, exceed BGN 400,000.
Directors and shareholders must confirm to the State Commission that they have clean criminal records and no history of juridical proceedings against them, as well as for the company that is applying for a licence, especially in relation to any gaming operations that are previously organised by them which includes any administrative proceedings in relation to licences issued by the State Commission.
Online gaming operators must confirm that:
1. Their communication equipment and the central point where the central computer system of the organiser is located in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria or in the territory of another EU Member State, in the territory of another state signatory to the European Economic Area Agreement, or in the Swiss Confederation.
2. They have an account opened for depositing wagers and paying out winnings opened with a bank licensed in the Republic of Bulgaria, or with a bank licensed in another EU Member State, or in another state signatory to the European Economic Area Agreement, or in the Swiss Confederation, which operates in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria pursuant to the Credit Institutions Act.
3. The central computer system of the organiser has a system for registration and identification of game participants, as well as a system for keeping and submission in real time to a server of the Commission and of the National Revenue Agency of all simultaneous gambling sessions, the wager made by each player and the winnings paid out to each player. The central computer system shall mandatorily ensure online registration of each transaction in the system of the Commission and the National Revenue Agency according to a procedure and in a manner as set forth in an ordinance of the Minister of Finance after coordination with the Chairperson of the State Agency for National Security.
The gambling software and any new software version shall have to be approved by the State Commission for Gambling based on tests made by an approved laboratory.
4. The existence of an authorised representative of the company, registered in another EU Member State, in another state signatory to the European Economic Area Agreement, or in the Swiss Confederation, with an address in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria and having representative powers to an extent which allows him/her to conclude contracts on behalf of the foreign person and to represent the foreign person before the state authorities and courts of the Republic of Bulgaria.
Once collected and ready, all the documents can be submitted to the State Commission together with the licence application and the relevant application fee specified for the licence type.
The application fees are as follows:
1. Lotto games:
a) traditional lottery – BGN 20,000;
b) raffles – BGN 2,000;
c) number games, toto, lotto, bingo and others – BGN 20,000 for each type of game; and
d) scratch lottery – BGN 20,000 per game.
2. Sports betting, horse and greyhound racing – BGN 20,000.
3. Betting on random events and events related to the guessing of facts – BGN 20,000.
4. Slots – BGN 7,500.
5. Casino and table games – BGN 35,000.
6. Remote gaming activities – double the amount for each of the above listed games with the exceptions of b) and d).
7. Development, selling and support/service of gaming equipment – BGN 20,000.
8. Import, selling and support/service of gaming equipment – BGN 20,000.
The State Commission on Gambling may request additional documents and proofs to be provided with the submitted application. Once the application is approved by the State Commission, the licence will be awarded to the applicant after the receipt of the licence fee that corresponds to the licence type.
The licence fees are as follows:
1. Lotto games:
a) traditional lottery – BGN 20,000;
b) raffles – BGN 5,000;
c) number games, toto, lotto, bingo and others – BGN 20,000 for each type of game; and
d) scratch lottery – BGN 20,000 per game.
2. Sports betting, horse and greyhound racing – BGN 20,000.
3. Betting on random events and events related to the guessing of facts – BGN 20,000.
4. Slots – between BGN 7,500 and BGN 25,000 depending on the number of gaming places/seats.
5. For casino with five table games and 15 slots – BGN 35,000 + BGN 2,000 for each additional table and + BGN 100 for each additional slot machine.
6. Development, selling and support/service of gaming equipment – BGN 20,000.
7. Import, selling and support/service of gaming equipment – BGN 20,000.
8. For remote gaming licences – BGN 100,000.
2.4 Are any restrictions placed upon licensees in your jurisdiction?
The licensee may only offer the games that are listed in the licence issued by the State Commission on Gambling. Game currencies that are allowed are EUR and BGN. Cash payments are not allowed where it comes to remote gaming activities.
2.5 Please give a summary of the following features of any Licences: (i) duration; (ii) vulnerability to review, suspension or revocation.
Licences in Bulgaria are granted for five- or 10-year terms depending on the decision of the State Commission and specific requirements that the applicants should meet. The State Commission reviews/controls the operator, i.e. conducts a compliance review, on the first and third year of operations.
Termination of a licence
A licence shall be terminated:
1. upon the expiry of its term;
2. if it is permanently revoked;
3. with the winding up of the legal person or with the death of the physical person that is the sole proprietor to whom the licence was issued;
4. before the expiry of its term upon the person’s request; or
5. upon the issuance of a new licence for the same activities to the same person for the same type of gambling game and at the same site.
Upon termination of a licence on the grounds under items 4 and 5, the organiser shall be obligated, within a seven-day period from receipt of the notification of the Commission’s decision, to return the Licence Certificate to the Commission.
Extending the term of validity of a licence
Upon the written request of the organiser of games, which must be filed not earlier than six months and not later than two months prior to the expiration of the term of validity of an effective licence, the Commission may make a decision by which it extends the term of effectiveness of an issued licence for a term of validity of the same length, where the following conditions have been met simultaneously:
1. Within the term of validity of the licence for activities of an organiser that has been granted a licence for organising gaming activities for a respective site, there are no effective penal decrees of violations under the Act.
2. No enforcement administrative actions have been applied.
3. A notarised declaration must be submitted on the date of filing of the request for extension of the term of validity to confirm that no circumstances have occurred that obstruct the development of gambling activities.
For extension of the term of validity of an issued licence, the organiser shall only pay the fee for issuance of a licence.
Suspending and resuming activities
An organiser of gaming activities may suspend its activity for a certain period of time by filing an application to the Chairperson of the Commission and to the National Revenue Agency. The organiser shall be obligated to file the application at least seven days prior to the date of discontinuation of the activity. Within three days of filing the application, the organiser shall submit his Licence Certificate for safe-keeping by the Commission. In case of force majeure circumstances, the application shall be filed immediately upon the occurrence of the said circumstances.
When resuming activities, an organiser is obligated to file an application to the Chairperson of the Commission and to the National Revenue Agency, which explicitly names the date of resumption of organising gambling games. The organiser shall receive the Licence Certificate from the Commission on the day prior to the day of commencement of activities.
In case of a temporary suspension of activities at the central point or at the points of acceptance of wagers and payment of winnings, an organiser of gambling games is obligated to file an application to the Chairperson of the Commission, which indicates the licence number, the address of the site, and the period of suspension of activities. The application shall be filed not later than the day following the date of discontinuation of activities.
Suspension and resumption of activities shall not have any impact on the term of validity of the issued licence.
2.6 By Relevant Product, what are the key limits on providing services to customers? Please include in this answer any material promotion and advertising restrictions.
Direct advertising of gaming, including advertising of such games targeted at minors and underage persons, as well as sending unsolicited electronic messages containing information about a gaming to an unlimited number of persons is prohibited.
The following is permitted to be publicly placed:
1. names of the games;
2. the organiser’s registered trade mark;
3. game results and winnings; and
4. conducted draws.
Gaming activities organisers that have been licensed under the Act have the right to sponsor events and activities in support of sports, culture, health care, education and social welfare.
2.7 What are the tax and other compulsory levies?
Sector | Taxation rate |
Online gambling (online and other means of telecommunication) | 20% tax on gross gaming revenues (GGR – the difference between the bet and the winnings) + a fixed rate of BGN 100,000 (Article 30(4) of the Gambling Act). Online operators are furthermore liable to pay an annual contribution of BGN 50,000 towards the prevention of underage gambling, prevention of gambling addiction, promotion of responsible advertising and the resolution of disputes between gambling operators and players (Art. 10a GA). The organisers of gambling activities in which the stakes for participation is by the cost of telephone or other electronic communications service are taxed at a rate of 15% on turnover (Articles 236–238 of the Corporate Income Tax Act, amended January 3, 2014). |
Casinos (land-based) | For slot machines/electronic gaming devices in casinos, per gaming seat – BGN 500 per quarter (Article 245 of the Corporate Tax). For roulette, per gaming table in a casino – BGN 22,000 per quarter (Article 245 of the Corporate Tax Act). For other gaming equipment in a casino, per piece of equipment – BGN 5,000 per quarter. Since January 1, 2014, casino operators are furthermore liable to pay an annual contribution of BGN 10,000 towards the prevention of underage gambling, prevention of gambling addiction, promotion of responsible advertising and the resolution of disputes between gambling operators and players (Article 10a of the Gambling Act). |
Slot machines (land-based) | For slot machines in gaming halls, per gaming seat – BGN 500 per quarter (Article 245 of the Corporate Tax). Since January 1, 2014, operators are furthermore liable to pay an annual contribution of BGN 5,000 towards the prevention of underage gambling, prevention of gambling addiction, promotion of responsible advertising and the resolution of disputes between gambling operators and players (Article 10a of the Gambling Act). |
Betting (land-based) | 15% on turnover (Article 30(3) of the Gambling Act). Since January 1, 2014, operators are furthermore liable to pay an annual contribution of BGN 5,000 towards the prevention of underage gambling, prevention of gambling addiction, promotion of responsible advertising and the resolution of disputes between gambling operators and players (Article 10a of the Gambling Act). |
Lottery games (land-based) | Since January 1, 2014, operators are furthermore liable to pay an annual contribution of BGN 5,000 towards the prevention of underage gambling, prevention of gambling addiction, promotion of responsible advertising and the resolution of disputes between gambling operators and players (Article 10a of the Gambling Act). |
Bingo (land-based) | Since January 1, 2014, operators are furthermore liable to pay an annual contribution of BGN 5,000 towards the prevention of underage gambling, prevention of gambling addiction, promotion of responsible advertising and the resolution of disputes between gambling operators and players (Article 10a of the Gambling Act). |
2.8 What are the broad social responsibility requirements?
In order to comply with the measures of socially responsible gambling adopted by the European Committee for Standardisation, any organiser must undertake to transfer to the account of the State Commission for Gambling the following annual contributions:
1. for online gaming organisers – BGN 50,000;
2. for organisers of gaming in a land-based casino – BGN 10,000; and
3. for all other type of games organisers – BGN 5,000.
The funds above shall be spent on activities related to the protection of young people from gambling, prevention and treatment of gambling addiction, conducting responsible promotion and advertising, and quick and efficient resolution of disputes between game organisers and game participants under certain conditions and according to a procedure set forth by the Minister of Finance.
2.9 How do any AML, financial services regulations or payment restrictions restrict or impact on entities supplying gambling? Does your jurisdiction permit virtual currencies to be used for gambling and are they separately regulated?
Virtual currencies are not regulated and not permitted. Large payments are subject to local AML regulations. Payment processing can be offered only through EU/EEA licensed providers.
Organisers are prohibited from entering into any relationship whatsoever with gaming participants for the purpose of providing loans or credits under any form for participation in gaming.
3 Online/Mobile/Digital/Electronic Media
3.1 How does local law/regulation affect the provision of the Relevant Products in online/mobile/digital/electronic form, both from: (i) operators located inside your jurisdiction; and (ii) operators located outside your jurisdiction?
Gaming activities can be organised by:
1. Companies registered in the Republic of Bulgaria or in another EU Member State, another state signatory to the European Economic Area Agreement, or the Swiss Confederation, meeting the requirements of the Act.
2. Sole proprietors – only gambling games on gambling machines and activities of manufacturing, import, distribution, and servicing of gambling equipment.
3. The state – only for supporting sports, culture, health care, education, and social services.
4. Non-profit legal entities designated to perform social work activity, registered under the Non-profit Legal Entities Act – in the cases stipulated by this Act.
5. Non-profit legal entities registered in another EU Member State, in another state signatory to the European Economic Area Agreement, or in the Swiss Confederation, through a branch designated to perform social work activity – in cases stipulated by the Non-profit Legal Entities Act, with the exception of political parties.
A licence for organising games in a casino can only be issued to a limited liability company or a joint stock company with registered shares.
Companies that are registered in jurisdictions other than those listed above cannot be awarded a licence to operate in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.
3.2 What other restrictions have an impact on Relevant Products supplied via online/mobile/digital/electronic means?
Restrictions related to basic GDPR rules and electronic communication/marketing may have an impact on gaming operations, and licensees must be very aware of them when offering their services under the licences issued by the State Commission.
3.3 What terminal/machine-based gaming is permitted and where?
Land-based betting terminals are allowed together with all approved and certified types of gaming machine such as slot machines, bingo machines, lottery draw machines, electronic roulettes, BJ, electronic bingo and lotto, approved tables for organising table games in land-based casinos, and all types of approved online RNGs – slots, roulettes, blackjack, bingo, keno, etc.
4 Enforcement and Liability
4.1 Who is liable under local law/regulation?
Each game and gaming activity that falls under the Gaming Act within the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria may only be organised under a licence issued by the State Commission on Gambling.
4.2 What form does enforcement action take in your jurisdiction?
Enforcement is conducted through IP blacklisting of companies that organise gaming activity within the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria without a valid licence issued by the State Commission on Gambling. Additionally, administrative penalties for breaches listed in the Gaming Act are enforced.