The following alcohol-related bills have been filed in the Florida Legislature. A summary of each bill is copied below.
Please contact the member of the nationwide alcohol industry team with whom you normally work with any questions. Stay tuned for further updates.
SB 822 Beverage Law (Hutson)
Providing an exemption from provisions relating to the tied house evil for specified financial transactions between a manufacturer or importer of malt beverages and a licensed vendor; prohibiting the manufacturer or importer of malt beverages from soliciting or receiving any portion of certain payments from its distributors, etc.
HB 775 Beverage Law (La Rosa)
Provides an exemption from provisions relating to tied house evil for specified financial transactions between manufacturer or importer of malt beverages & licensed vendor; provides conditions for exemption; prohibits manufacturer or importer of malt beverages from soliciting or receiving any portion of certain payments from its distributors.
SB 296 Beverage Law (Brandes; Regulated Industries)
Repealing provisions relating to limitations on the size of individual wine containers; authorizing the packaging, filling, refilling, or sale of cider in growlers; revising provisions authorizing a restaurant to allow a patron to remove certain containers from a restaurant for off-premises consumption, etc.
Bill to be heard in Senate Commerce and Tourism Committee – 1/9/18, 4:00 p.m., 110 Senate Office Building
HB 667 Beverage Law (Perez)
Provides for electronic orders received at vendor’s licensed place of business to be construed as sale actually made at vendor’s licensed place of business; provides for use of vehicles contracted with third party for deliveries.
HB 669 Beverage Law (Perez)
Repeals provisions relating to limitations on size of individual wine containers; authorizes packaging, filling, refilling, or sale of cider in growlers; revises provisions authorizing restaurant to allow patron to remove certain containers from restaurant for off-premises consumption.
SB 1020 Alcohol Deliveries (Young)
Including an electronic order as a type of order construed as a sale made at a vendor’s licensed place of business; authorizing a manufacturer, distributor, or vendor to contract with a third party for certain deliveries, etc.