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Dr Anuschka Coovadia

Dr Anuschka Coovadia

  • Firm: Usizo Advisory Services
  • Practice Area: Healthcare Advisory Specialist
  • Country: Kenya
  • Kenya

About Dr Anuschka Coovadia

Dr Anuschka Coovadia is the Chief Executive Officer of Usizo Advisory Services, which is an independent boutique healthcare advisory practice. She was the Head of Healthcare and Lifesciences for Africa at KPMG for 5 years but is now a strategic healthcare advisor to KPMG in Africa and a consultant for the International Finance Cooperation (IFC). In addition, she is a member of the Global KPMG Center for Universal Health Coverage. She is also a Non-executive director at Dischem, a director for the Africa Health Federation, a member of the Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research (CAPRISA) Investment Committee, a trustee for the Kendra Educational Trust, a board member for the Kendra Business Forum and the Clinical Governance advisor to Momentum Health.
She is a past member of the Innovation Board for the North West University and a previous executive director for a private equity investment fund, Ayurveda Investments, which invested in healthcare organization in Africa. Dr Coovadia is a medically trained doctor with a Masters in Health Economics and the core tecnical Actuarial board exams. In addition, she has been trained in Maths and Statistics, Business Management, Good Clinical Practice, Health Informatics, Strategy and Governance.
After qualifying as a doctor, she worked for both public and private hospitals in KwaZulu-Natal, before taking up a researcher position at the Human Sciences Research Council, funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, where she worked on models for Orphan and Vulnerable Children care. She then took up the lead role for African stakeholder management for Novartis Pharmaceuticals, where she worked with Ministries of Health and community organizations across SADAC. Thereafter she served her actuarial internship in Momentum Medical Scheme Administrators, where she went on to head the managed care division for MMI then serve as the clinical head for the Government Employees Medical Scheme.
In 2012, Dr Coovadia joined the healthcare team at KPMG. Over the last 5 years she has worked on projects for both the National and Provincial Departments of Health, conducting risk workshops, assessments on Primary Health Clinics, an analysis of the HIV/AIDS program amongst others; hospital groups such as Mediclinic, Life Healthcare, Joint Medical Holdings, Lenmed, Albert Luthuli, Intercare Holdings and the Clinix Group. In addition, she has done numerous engagements for medical schemes such as GEMS, Bonitas, Spectramed, Medshield, Cape Medical, LA Health, Private Health Administrators, Discovery Health, Momentum, CAMAF and the Board of Healthcare Funders.
She has also worked with other healthcare organizations like the Gates Foundation, the Aga Khan, Medipost, the South African National AIDS Council and pathology labs such as Global Clinical and Viral Laboratories; and engaged with a wide range of healthcare professional organizations from specialist associations to the national and local general practitioner organizations such as the KwaZulu-Natal Managed Care Coalition, KZNMCC, and the South African Medical Association, SAMA; not-for-profit and faith-based organizing, such as the Islamic Medical Association (IMA) and the Aryan Benevolent Home (ABH); and the national South African Dental Association, SADA.
In addition, she has led numerous engagements across Africa doing advisory projects in countries like Zambia, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Mauritius, South Sudan, Botswana, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Mozambique. These projects involve working with local and national ministries of health, hospital and pharmaceutical groups, international investors such as the CDC, The Abraaj Group, Ethos and the IFC; as well as performing clinical due-diligence assessments on healthcare facilities.
Over the last year, Dr Coovadia has been appointed to a global task team, the Centre for Universal Health Coverage, at KPMG. This team works across emerging markets to support the design, modeling, establishment, implementation and monitoring of national health insurance projects. Through this role, she presented at the World Economic Forum in Davos on healthcare investments in Africa; and worked on global health projects, such as advising the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Health in the Bahamas on the implementation of their NHI.
Her passion and life’s commitment is to support the implementation of the National Health Insurance in South Africa, in order to alleviate suffering, create a modern, affordable, high quality healthcare system, reduce the gross inequalities in our country and build a stronger South Africa fitfor- the-future.
Education and Training
– University of Natal, MBChB – Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery
– University of Natal, MSE – Masters of Economics
– University of Natal, MAP – Management Advancement Program
– UNISA, Maths and Statistics
– Actuarial Core Technical Exams
– Harvard School of Public Health, Health Outcomes Modelling Course,2011
– Tree Age London, Advanced economic data modelling Markov Modelling, Monte Carlo Simulation, Sensitivity and Risk Analysis, 2006
– Novartis, Advanced data manipulation and analysis in Excel, 2006
– Clinical Trial Management and Design Program (Paris, 2006)
– Clinical Safety and Epidemiology Course(Switzerland, 2006)
– Good Clinical Practice(Wits Health, South Africa 2006)
Professional Associations
– HPCSA (Health Professionals Council South Africa
– SAMA (South African Medical Association)
– Actuarial Association of South Africa (ASSA)
– Business Women’s Association (BWA)
– Kendra Business Forum Executive
Areas of Specialisation
– Digital Health
– Pharmaceutical market access
– Monitoring and Evaluation
– Clinic and Hospital due-diligence/audit, strategy and operations
– Financial Modelling
– Business Model Design
– Benefit Design
– Market Access Studies
– Provider Profiling
– Disease Modelling
– Health Standards development
– Occupational Healthcare Services strategy, audit & design
– Private Equity in Health with key clients such as Abraaj, the CDC, the IFC amongst others
Key Project Experience
Public Sector: South Africa
– The Office of Health Standards Compliance – Strategy 2018
– The Competition Commission 2015 ongoing – Healthcare Market Inquiry
– South African National AIDS Council 2015 – Sector review and Organizational Effectiveness
– National Department of Health 2016 – HIV Actuarial Analysis on Loss to Follow Up
– KZN Department of Health 2016 – Risk workshop across all services- KZN Department of Health 2015
– Primary Healthcare assessment and Human Resources Assessment
– KZN Department of Health 2015 – Albert Luthuli Private Public Partnership Assessment
– KZN Children’s Hospital 2014 – Strategic plan
– KZN Department of Health 2013 – Performance audit for Primary Healthcare in KZN
– KZN Provincial Treasury 2013 – Health Specialist Advisor
Not-for-profit: South Africa
– Winning in the Workplace (2014-2017) – workshop with 380 learners from rural schools
– Kendra Education Trust 2017 – Trustee on Education trust for impoverished students
– Aryan Benevolent Home 2016 – Organisational clinical audit; governance training; strategy
– Africa Healthcare Federation 2016 – Public private integration and network establishment
– Kendra Women’s Group 2016 – Supporting empowerment and development among women in local communities
– Star Academy 2016 – Support for scholars; mentoring; career guidance
– Board of Healthcare Funders 2015 – Road map for private sector reformation
– Kendra Business Forum 2015 ongoing – Community development program
Private Sector: South Africa
– Hosmed – Strategy 2018
– Medshield – Strategy and response to NHI, HMI and MSA Bills 2018
– Abbott – Diagnostics Industry global trends and developments 2018
– Board of Healthcare Funders – Strategy and Implementation Plans 2018
– MyClinics – Development of a primary healthcare clinic model with MMI and the Spar Group 2018
– Joint Medical Holdings – Tariff Negotiations Project 2018
– Medshield NHI strategy 2018
– CAMAF 2017 – Board Strategy Workshop
– Medshield 2017 – Strategy and Implementation Plan
– Bonitas 2017 – Strategic Workshop and Risk Assessment
– Cape Medical 2017 – UHC workshop
– My Clinics, Spar Group 2017 – design, financing and roll-out of primary health clinics
– HealthAtHome 2017 – design, financing and roll-out of home-based health service
– Oncology crisis KZN 2017 – implementation of a PPP with KZN DoH and JMH
– Catholic Medical Mission Board (CMMB) 2017 – eHealth review in Africa (Kenya, Zambia and South Sudan)
– Dischem 2017 – Board member; Head of Social and Ethics Committee; Member of Audit Committee
– Dutch Embassy 2017 – Healthcare Infrastructure Analysis in Africa
– Joint Medical Holdings 2017 – Funder Strategy
– Global Clinical and Viral Laboratories 2017 – Strategy, Process optimization, Organisational effectiveness, funder development
– Clinix Health Group 2016 – Strategic Workshop & diagnostic
– Manipal/CDC 2016 – market access assessment in Africa
– North West University 2016 – Innovation Board member
– Medipost 2016 – Pharmacy Courier; Strategy
– Sechaba 2016 – Risk assessement and Strategic Plan
– Compensation Solutions Proprietary Limited (COMPSOL) 2015- Africa Market Access Study
– InterCare Holdings 2016 – Strategy and Market Review
– Health facilities audit and Occupational Health strategy 2016 Mining Company
– Board of Healthcare Funders 2016 – Compilation and facilitation of Private Sector Roadmap to develop a sustainable healthcare system for South Africa
– South African Dental Association 2015 – Business Model and NHI Package
– Lenmed 2015 – Strategic workshop for the Board of an independent South African hospital group
– Mediclinic 2015 – Information workshop on Health IT for the executives of a leading South African hospital group
– Transnet 2015 – Health facilities audit and Occupational Health strategy
– Transnet Engineering and Ports 2014 – Occupational Health Risk Assessment – Transnet Engineering
– Cardiac Mobile 2014 – Business plan and Financial Model
– SHS 2013 – Dental Risk benefit design
– LA Health 2013 – Governance and Risk workshop for medical scheme trustees
– Pharmaceutical manufacturing plant – Feasibility Study, Tanzania 2018
– Zambia Public Private Partnership NMSI for 108 clinics and 3 hospitals – Value for Money Analysis NMSI 2018
– Zambia Retail Pharmacy group – 2018, Preparation of Investment Memorandum and deal advisory process
– Gates Foundation 2018 – Evaluation of the Managed Equipment Services program in Kenya
– Bank of Toyko-Mitsubishi 2017 – Strategy for Investment in Africa
– Ethos 2016 – Due-diligence on Kenyan Hospital
– Abraaj Group 2015– Investor Conference with Partner companies and Production of Thought Leadership to launch Global Healthcare Fund
– ICOR 2015 – Strategic workshop for Cardiac Hospital in Mozambique
– CDC 2015 – Investment Target Identification in Africa; UK Pension Fund
– AFHoZ 2015 – Strategic Input to Southern African Private Funders Association on key
healthcare trends in Africa
– Naspers 2015 – Business model design – Africa expansion Health 24
– Clinical due-diligence for an international hospital group 2013
– Abraaj 2014 – Private Equity Fund – Due-diligence assessment for Bottom-of-the-pyramid
– Lusaka Trust 2013 – Clinical due-diligence on Hospital in Zambia
– Apollo Bramwell 2013 – Cost Improvement and turn-around plan on Hospital in Mauritius
– Alliance Health 2013 – Strategic workshop Medical Scheme Zimbabwe
– International Finance Cooperation (IFC) 2018 – Women in Leadership in Health
– International Finance Cooperation (IFC) 2018 – Quality accreditation in healthcare across emerging markets
– Aga Khan 2018 – Market growth strategy in Pakistan
– Ayushman Bharat 2018 India – NHIF leadership engagement
– India 2017 – UHC engagements with a range of private sector eg Nitiorg and national Ministry of Health NHI team
– Helsana Switzerland 2017 – Engagement on Health Insurance in South Africa
– Prime Minister and Ministry of Health 2016 – Bahamas, Design and Pricing of the UHC Scheme (NHI)
– Bahamas Health Secretariat 2016 – NHI Bahamas South African fact finding & experience visit
– Manipal Hospital Group 2016 – Business Plan, Financial model and transaction services
– NHS UK 2016 – Leadership Academy
Speaking Engagements
– African National Congress – NHI Community Event 2018
– Ayushman Bharat executive leadership, Delhi India 2018
– SACTWU Unions update on NHI 2018, South Africa
– Africa Health Federation 2018, UHC South Africa
– Joint Medical Holdings Board 2018
– Zambia, 2017 Universal Healthcare Coverage round-table with WHO, UN and Ministry of Health
– Ethiopia, 2017 Private Public Partnerships in UHC
– Tanzania, 2017 Global and Local trends in UHC
– Global Women’s Leadership Summit, 2017 Leadership discussion
– Durban, 2017 UKZN GSB Student engagement on stakeholder management
– Brazil, 2017 Lecture of UHC to Healthcare MBA program at CBEX
– Johannesburg, 2017 6th Healthcare Management Conference “UHC and global trends in health”
– Durban, 2017 The Innovation Effect Conference “UHC”
– Durban, 2017 SAMA The Impact of UHC
– Durban, 2017 IMA Global and Local trends in health systems reformation
– Durban, Medical Specialist Holdings Board meeting
– London, UK Africa Healthcare Summit “UHC trends”
– Global, 2016 GSK – Future trends in UHC in Africa
– Durban, 2016 Star College “Be Brave not perfect”
– Durban, 2016 Siemens Board “State of Healthcare”
– Johannesburg, 2016 GEMS Symposium “Using universal healthcare principles to improve health outcomes”
– Durban, 2014-2017 Winning in the Workplace – engagement with rural school girls on study techniques
– Johannesburg, 2016 5th Annual Africa Hospital Expansion Summit “UHC trends”
– Durban 2016, South African Paediatrician Conference; Impact of Benefit Design
– Durban, 2015 Aspen Pharmaceuticals, Womens Health discussion
– Durban 2015, Unilever, Womens Health Empowerment
– Durban, 2015 KZNDHC and IPAF Conferences “UHC”
– Cape Town, 2015-2016 BHF Conference “UHC and global trends in health”
– Johannesburg, Health Management Conference “UHC trends”
– Davos, 2015 World Economic Forum “Investment in Healthcare in Africa”
– Durban, 2014 KZN Managed Care Coalition
– Cape Town, 2014 BHF Conference “African Innovation in Healthcare”
– Johannesburg 2014, Nurses Symposium, South African Health Reforms
– Johannesburg 2014, CMASA, Healthcare Industry discussion on payment reform
– Cape Town 2014, Actuarial Womens Society; The role of the Actuary in Healthcare Reform
Countries of Work Experience
– South Africa
– Kenya
– Mauritius
– United Kingdom
– United Stated of America,
– Nigeria
– Lesotho
– Swaziland
– Botswana
– Zimbabwe
– Tanzania
– India
– Mozambique
– Zambia
– Ethiopia
– Bahamas
– Pakistan
Recent Thought Leadership Documents
– The State of Womens Health in South Africa, Business Womens Association
– Investing in Healthcare in Africa – Present at WEF, Davos
– Ebola, Doing Business in Africa in Sickness and in Health
– One Place, Many Paths – UHC in South Africa
– Lessons the World has Learnt on the Path to Universal Health Coverage
Employment Record
– Chief Executive Usizo Advisory Solutions
– Non-Executive Director & Head of Social & Ethics Committee, Dischem
– Strategic Healthcare and Lifesciences Advisor, KPMG
– Head of Africa, Centre for Universal Health Coverage, KPMG International
– CAPRISA Trustee, Investment Committee
– Southern African Head: African Health Federation
Executive Director, Ayurveda Investments
Private Equity fund investing across the healthcare continuum in Africa:
– Acute and sub-acute hospitals
– Diagnostics – Pathology and Radiology
– Healthcare Education
– Health IT
Head of Healthcare, KPMG Africa and member of the Global KPMG Center for Universal
Health Coverage
– Advisory services for governments, donor funders, hospital groups, medical schemes, pharmaceuticals, medical professionals, private equity and Health IT
2012 Head of Clinical Advisory Services GEMS, Momentum/Metropolitan:
– Strategic Partners Network participation
– Analysis and research of alternative reimbursement models Reporting and benchmarking on claims experience
– Health actuarial analysis on cost and utilization trends Disease surveillance
– Provider profiling & Demographic risk analysis Benefit design recommendations
– Impact of new interventions analysis Retrospective review of cost and utilization trends Innovation
– Health outcomes and quality reporting
2011 Head of Managed Care Services Durban MHRM
– Oversight of operations and support for local operations
– Disease risk management
– Medicine risk management
– HIV program
– Informatics
– Hospital risk management – Pre-authorization and Case management
2011 Manager of Strategic Projects
– Health outcomes and quality model
– Product health actuarial support
– Clinical investigative reporting
– Key relationship development, in order to assist with NHI tender
– Organizational structure
– Support to MD
2010 Hospital Risk Management (Closed Schemes)
– Strategic support to HRM team
– Clinical monitoring and review of key trends in the hospital environment
– Development of clinical interventions to control risk
2007 Actuarial Analyst Informatics
– Health Actuarial research
– Product development eg Executive Wellness Product and CDL Well/unwell model
– Benefit design
– Data analysis and modelling
– Health risk management trustee reporting
– Clinical & Marketing support
– Ad hoc investigative reporting
– Attendance and presentation at clinical risk forums with the schemes’ trustees
2006 Head of Coartem Clinical Services Africa Novartis:
– Design and Implementation of a pharmacovigilance program for the Africa region for all Novartis Pharma products
– Develop and build Coartem (product) team in Africa
– Start-up Coartem Medical Advisors in Nigeria & Kenya
– Project management
– Incident review and reporting
– Performance and budget review
– Strategic planning and Brand marketing
– Informational support on Malaria and Coartem in Africa
– Manage team based in different African countries-Nigeria, Kenya and South Africa
– Coordinate clinical trials in Nigeria, Tanzania, Zimbabwa, Zambia and Kenya
– Design and implementation of Field Access Program which provides holistic care to Malaria patients in rural settings in Africa
– Compilation and management of trail budget selection of investigators and sites
– Design of data collection and analytics
– Ensure Appropriate use of product
– Establishing safety monitoring in East and West Africa
– Implement Adverse event reporting Standard Operating Processes
– Initiate healthcare worker education & training eg teaching program to healthcare workers in Zambia, on Malaria and its management
– Liaise with key opinion leaders such as governments and ministries of health
– Provide training and support to team
– Represent Africa at global meetings
– Support global team in Switzerland Participation in SADAC forums
2004 Medical Science Liaison
– In-field medical advisor
– Product and therapeutic area knowledge
– Training of Sales force
– Support of clinical research department
– Site selection, Trial start-ups, implementation and monitoring
– Liaison with Key Opinion Leaders and customer service Medical Information and Marketing support
2004 HRSC, Rockefeller Foundation
– Impact study on OVCs in KZN
– Team led by Chris Desmond conducted a cost- effectiveness analysis of different models proposed for Orphans and Vulnerable Care.
– This project was funded by the Rockefeller Organisation and involved a combination of economic, psychological and developmental research in the local communities around the lower Drakensberg region, in KwaZulu Natal.
Other Previous Consultancy Projects:
Project Management of Pregnancy Registry/ZEPRS database 2006 
Contract: WHO, Novartis and ZEPRS
Assimilation of database to use as a comparator arm for pregnancy registry in Zambia Design of protocol, budget, contract, database and final report
Costing of the Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse Bill – Department of Social Welfare 2005 
Contract: Department of Social Development
Review of existing and new legislation
Questionnaire development, Fieldwork, Cost modelling and write-up of final report
Diabetic Disease Management Project – Sovereign Health 2005
Health Economics assessment of Diabetic Disease Management Program Review of database Development and testing of economic model Presentation of results and recommendations
Health Economic Consultant – ECI 2005
Cost-effectiveness analysis on the treatment of PCP with Bactrim vs novel treatments
Costing of the Western Cape Health Care Services – DoH 2005
Contract: Western Cape Department of Health
Review of existing healthcare services, analysis of data and preparation of draft report Development of health economic model Presentation to Western Cape Department of Health and DoH
Health Economics Researcher – HSRC/Rockefeller Foundation 2004
I worked in a team led by Chris Desmond and we conducted a cost- effectiveness analysis of different models proposed for Orphans and Vulnerable Care. This project was funded by the Rockefeller Organisation and involved a combination of economic, psychological and developmental research in the local communities around the lower Drakensberg region, in KwaZulu Natal.
HIV Health Economics Project – HEARD, UND 2003 
Health economic assessment commissioned by the Ministry of Health Field support for data collection
Assessment of burden of disease of HIV/AIDS on provincial facilities
– Student Intern – King Edward Hospital
– Internship – McCords Hospital
– Community Service – Addington Hospital
– Locum – Umhlanga Hospital; Mt Edgecombe Hospital; Parklands

Q&A With Dr Anuschka Coovadia


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