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Canadian Government Cracks Down on Tax Evasion via Crypto Assets: David Rotfleisch on Changes to the Crypto Asset Reporting Framework (CARF)

posted 3 months ago

The federal government unveiled new initiatives to improve the monitoring of cryptocurrency transactions and to stop tax evasion in the crypto-asset sector in its 2024 budget. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) created the Crypto-Asset Reporting Framework (CARF), which consists of these indicators. The Common Reporting Standard (CRS), another OECD effort that Canada introduced in 2016, is the foundation upon which CARF is intended to expand. With the help of CARF, tax authorities will be able to effectively monitor and regulate this quickly developing sector by offering a more rigorous framework for the reporting and sharing of information on crypto assets.

This implies that Canadian taxpayers will be subject to more scrutiny for their cryptocurrency transactions and would have a higher responsibility to appropriately disclose revenue connected to cryptocurrency. In keeping with global initiatives to enhance tax compliance in the digital economy, the implementation of CARF is anticipated to seal the gaps that have permitted tax evasion and to guarantee that revenue from crypto assets is appropriately taxed.

Overview of the Common Reporting Standard

In order to promote the international exchange of financial account information between tax administrations—including organizations like the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in the US and the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) in Canada—the Common Reporting Standard (CRS) was developed. Financial institutions are required by CRS to identify and submit specific reportable accounts to the local tax authorities on an annual basis. The relevant Reportable Jurisdictions with which these local authorities have formed Competent Authority Agreements (CAAs) are then required to receive this information from these local authorities. The sharing of this financial data is required by these agreements.

The Canadian Income Tax Act (Tax Act) was amended in 2016 to facilitate the introduction of CRS in Canada. Sections 270 to 281 of the Tax Act include the Canadian rules relating to CRS. The general reporting requirements, financial institutions’ due diligence responsibilities, and non-compliance fines are outlined in these sections. They specify the steps financial institutions must take in order to determine which accounts are reportable, the reporting deadlines, and the consequences of missing these deadlines. By ensuring that financial accounts information is communicated globally, these actions aim to improve tax transparency and prevent tax avoidance.

The primary focus of CRS is on traditional financial intermediaries; which crypto assets may be able to evade because of their decentralized structure. Seeing this gap, the Canadian government’s 2024 Federal Budget intends to expand the scope of comparable reporting obligations to include companies that operate in the cryptocurrency asset markets, or crypto-asset service providers. The goal of this program is to ensure complete tax compliance by addressing loopholes and bringing crypto-assets under the same strict reporting rules. Canada hopes to strengthen its efforts to monitor financial activity and uphold strict tax control in the dynamic financial world by incorporating crypto-asset service providers in these regulations.

The Framework for Reporting on Crypto-Assets

The marketplaces for crypto assets have grown significantly since the introduction of CRS in 2016. On the other hand, concerns regarding possible tax evasion risks have increased due to the lack of supervision from traditional banking institutions. The administration is thinking about incorporating the Crypto-Asset Reporting Framework (CARF) into the Tax Act in order to solve this worry. The purpose of this proposal is to establish more yearly reporting requirements for particular organizations involved in crypto-asset operations. The government hopes to improve accountability and transparency in the crypto-asset industry by implementing CARF, which will also ensure that tax laws are followed and reduce the possibility of illegal financial activity.

To whom is it necessary to report?

The federal budget specifies that both persons and legal organizations, such businesses, would be subject to the reporting obligation. This need also applies to Crypto-Asset Service Providers (CASPs), namely those who offer business services that enable exchange transactions involving crypto assets, and who either reside in Canada or conduct business there. Consequently, in order to be liable for these reporting obligations, a person or organization must satisfy two requirements: first, they must be a Canadian tax resident or do business there; second, they must offer commercial services that enable the exchange of crypto assets.

The standards for evaluating whether a corporation is conducting business in Canada or not, as well as for establishing tax residence, are already set under Canada’s cryptocurrency tax framework. The Crypto-Asset Reporting Framework (CARF) will likely apply the same criterion under its new reporting standards. Check our earlier articles for more information on these tests (here for individual tax residence, and here for corporate tax residence).

To get further insight into the definition of “effectuating exchange transactions,” we might consult the CARF report from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). As per the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the term “effectuating exchange transactions” refers to any service that allows users to get cryptocurrency assets in return for fiat currencies or vice versa, or to exchange cryptocurrency assets for other cryptocurrency assets. It is noteworthy, although, that certain operations do not come under the purview of carrying out exchange transactions, such as investment funds investing in cryptocurrency assets.

Furthermore, many electronic money items, such digital representations of fiat currencies, are expressly excluded from the purview of CARF, as are central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). Rather, these will fall under the Common Reporting Standard (CRS) amendments.

To elaborate on the reporting requirements, it is imperative that CASPs understand their responsibilities. CASPs are required to ascertain not only their tax residence status but also if their company operations meet the requirements for carrying out exchange transactions. This covers a broad variety of services, such as platforms that enable crypto-to-crypto transactions and cryptocurrency exchanges that convert fiat to cryptocurrency and vice versa. It is crucial that CASPs comprehend these definitions and exclusions in order to guarantee adherence to the recently implemented reporting structure.

CASPs should also be mindful that any active trading or exchange facilitation carried out on behalf of clients may still be subject to reporting obligations, even if investment funds that only make investments in cryptocurrency assets are not regarded as carrying out exchange transactions. Therefore, it is essential that CASPs thoroughly assess their business operations in light of the standards set out by the OECD and CARF.

The purpose of the federal budget’s reporting requirements is to control organizations and people that trade cryptocurrency assets, making sure they are tax residents or operate in Canada and offer services that make the trades easier. Through conformity to current tax residency standards and OECD definitions, the framework aims to provide transparency and adherence to the quickly changing cryptocurrency transaction environment.

When and what information should be reported?

As per the most recent budget, Crypto-Asset Service Providers will have to submit comprehensive data to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) for every client and every crypto-asset they manage. Three primary types of transactions are covered by this reporting requirement:

Exchanges between various cryptocurrency assets: These are the deals in which one kind of cryptocurrency is exchanged for another. Service providers are required to monitor and disclose these exchanges’ yearly value.

Exchanges of crypto-assets for fiat money: This refers to deals in which virtual currencies are exchanged for conventional fiat money, such the Canadian dollar or the British pound. It is required of providers to report these conversions’ yearly value.

Transfers of cryptocurrency assets used for purchases more than $50,000 USD: Transactions involving the acquisition of goods or services using cryptocurrency assets that have a value greater than $50,000 USD are also need to be disclosed.

In addition, complete client data collection and reporting are mandated for Crypto-Asset Service Providers. Each customer has to have the following information collected and submitted:

Personal Information: This comprises the complete name, date of birth, residential address, and jurisdiction(s) of the consumer. In addition, taxpayer identification numbers for each jurisdiction in which a resident resides must be disclosed.

Data for Corporations and Other Legal Entities: If the client is a corporation or another kind of legal entity, comparable, in-depth data has to be gathered and submitted for the person in charge of the entity. Name, address, date of birth, jurisdiction(s) of residency, and taxpayer identification numbers for each jurisdiction of domicile are all included in this.

The aforementioned procedures are intended to enhance openness and guarantee adherence to tax laws. The CRA intends to more effectively monitor and oversee the emerging industry of cryptocurrency transactions by requiring comprehensive reporting from Crypto-Asset Service Providers. In order to reduce tax evasion and enhance financial control, it is intended to guarantee that all taxable events involving crypto-assets are accurately recorded and reported.

Impacts on Taxpayers in Canada

The initial reporting and information exchanges under the Crypto-Asset Reporting Framework (CARF) are scheduled for 2027, while the proposed modifications in Budget 2024 will take effect in 2026. Due to their new requirement to start submitting yearly reports to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), Crypto-Asset Service Providers doing business in Canada or with Canadian citizens will be greatly impacted by these recent changes. Crypto-Asset Service Providers must make sure they are gathering and keeping the data required to fulfill these reporting requirements in order to be in compliance with these regulations.

Reporting organizations are required to follow certain procedures known as “due diligence” under the Common Reporting Standard (CRS). It is anticipated that due diligence guidelines for Crypto-Asset Service Providers would be similarly defined by the Tax Act amendments that incorporate CARF. Through the use of this new reporting mechanism, Canadian tax authorities will have access to comprehensive data on transactions involving tax residents of Canada that take place through foreign crypto-asset service providers. As a result, the supposed anonymity that is usually connected to transactions using crypto-assets will be eliminated.

The CRA will have access to an effective tool for detecting cases of tax evasion and noncompliance with tax requirements pertaining to transactions involving cryptocurrency assets. This includes T1135 reporting requirements, which deal with non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and other types of designated foreign property, including cryptocurrency holdings. In the event that concealed income is uncovered by CARF, the CRA may pursue interest and penalties on the outstanding taxes in addition to the unpaid taxes. On past-due income taxes, the CRA levies interest at a daily compound rate of 5%. Furthermore, if it is discovered that a taxpayer intentionally included incorrect information on their tax return or that these errors were the consequence of egregious carelessness, they may be subject to a number of penalties. The penalty in these situations is equal to the higher of $100 or 50% of the underestimated tax that was caused by the false statement or omission.

In addition, the CRA has the power to enforce penalties for criminal tax evasion severely. If a taxpayer is found to be intentionally avoiding or attempting to dodge compliance with the Tax Act, they may be subject to a fine ranging from 50% to 200% of the amount of taxes owing and a two-year jail sentence, as stated in paragraph 239(1) of the Tax Act. These restrictions for criminal tax evasion under Article 327(1) are mirrored in the Excise Tax Act.

The regulatory environment for crypto-asset service providers in Canada will change significantly with the implementation of CARF. To reliably collect and publish the necessary data, these organizations will need to put in place strong systems. With the CRA’s increased capacity to monitor and examine transactions involving crypto assets, tax regulations will be enforced more successfully, which will decrease prospects for tax evasion. As a result, in order to avoid severe fines and maybe even criminal prosecution, taxpayers involved in crypto-asset transactions should be careful in their reporting and compliance.

Pro-Tax Tip: Handling with Potential Tax Non-Compliance

The complexity inherent in the tax treatment of cryptocurrency assets make it difficult for both tax authorities and taxpayers to handle the matter. Transactions involving crypto-assets, whether traded for other crypto-assets or fiat currency, must be carefully planned in order to ensure correct tax compliance. It can be especially difficult for Canadian taxpayers to navigate the laws and regulations. However, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) provides an option for people who may have failed to satisfy their tax duties due to cryptocurrency ownership.

Through the Voluntary Disclosures Program (VDP) of the CRA, taxpayers have the chance to proactively rectify their tax situations. In the event that you come to the realization that you have not complied with Canada’s regulations regarding the reporting of your cryptocurrency holdings, this program may effectively mitigate any adverse consequences. You may be able to secure partial relief from interest charges as well as relief from penalties, including criminal penalties, by voluntarily disclosing information.

It is important to speak with a knowledgeable Canadian cryptocurrency tax lawyer to find out if you qualify for the VDP and whether you are non-compliant. These specialized professionals are qualified to assess your unique circumstances and assist you with the disclosure procedure. They may evaluate your previous transactions, examine your reporting procedures, and offer specific guidance on how to comply with CRA regulations.

By taking a proactive stance through the VDP, the financial and legal risks connected with non-compliance may be greatly decreased. If you take care of the problem before the CRA starts an audit or investigate, you will not only protect yourself from harsh fines but also show that you are serious about making your tax situation right. By speaking with an experienced Canadian crypto tax lawyer, you can be confident that you will get the finest advice available for handling your transactions involving crypto assets and effectively completing your tax requirements.

FAQ: Frequently Ask Question

Am I obligated to report under CARF and CRS?

Yes, it’s possible that you can be obliged to disclose transactions under both the Common Reporting Standard (CRS) and the Crypto-Asset Reporting Framework (CARF) as their functions are complimentary but distinct from one another. To lessen the stress of reporting, there are a number of strategies in place.

The exclusion of some digital currencies and electronic money items from CARF’s reporting obligations is one major relief. By lowering the quantity of reportable items, this exclusion attempts to streamline the compliance procedure.

The CARF, suggested by the OECD, addresses the overlapping nature of some assets, which may qualify as relevant crypto assets under CARF and financial assets under CRS. For example, shares issued in cryptocurrency might be regarded under both systems. To make it easier to disclose dual-qualified assets, the CRS offers an optional provision that permits reporting organizations to avoid double reporting. If the pertinent transaction information has previously been reported under CARF, the company may waive the gross profits reporting obligation under CRS. This provision assures that the same transaction is not recorded twice, hence reducing compliance burden.

In a nutshell even though you might have to report under both CRS and CARF, both frameworks are made with features that stop you from reporting twice. Transactions are reported effectively and only once thanks to the CRS’s optional switch-off provision for dual-qualified assets and the exclusion of some digital currencies and electronic money items from CARF. By balancing thorough regulatory monitoring with pragmatic compliance concerns, this dual framework approach seeks to lessen the total reporting burden for organizations that deal with both traditional and cryptocurrency financial assets.

Could I be fined for submitting consumer information incorrectly if I have reporting obligations under CARF?

If you submit inaccurate client information, you can be subject to penalties under the Crypto-Asset Reporting Framework (CARF). It is expected that the amendment to include CARF in the Tax Act would contain penalties for noncompliance with reporting requirements, even though the federal budget has not specifically mentioned the possible fines. This assumption is consistent with the suggestions made in the publication by the OECD, which supports the use of fines to enforce compliance.

We can look at the Common Reporting Standard (CRS) to gain a knowledge of the potential consequences associated with these fines. Financial institutions who fails to verify whether an account holder is a reportable person may be subject to fines under paragraph 162(7) of the Tax Act of up to $2,500 per offence. In addition, noncompliance carries a penalty of $25 per day, with a maximum of 100 days. While the final legislative wording will determine the specifics, these penalties offer a possible foundation for CARF.

Still, not every case of inaccurate reporting will always carry a fine. Due diligence standards, which give companies with reporting duties a defined procedure to follow, are recommended for implementation in the OECD publication. Reporting Crypto-Asset Service Providers (RCASPs) can shield themselves from fines in the event that they inadvertently disclose false information by following certain due diligence procedures. Adherence to these guidelines indicates a sincere attempt to fulfill reporting duties precisely.

It is recommended to consult with Canadian crypto tax lawyers if you are worried about satisfying your due diligence requirements under CRS and CARF. These legal professionals can advise if a taxpayer is carrying out their requirements for due diligence and assist reduce the possibility of fines. RCASPs can lessen the possibility of paying fines for inaccurate customer reporting by making sure the reporting criteria are strictly followed.

Disclaimer: This article provides an extensive overview and is only current as of the date of publishing. It can be out of date because it hasn’t had any changes recently. It should not be interpreted as legal advice since it is not meant to be such. Tax scenarios are not the same as the ones given here; they differ greatly and depend on specific circumstances. If you have specific legal questions, seeking individual legal advice from a knowledgeable Canadian tax lawyer is advised. They are able to provide tailored guidance based on your unique requirements and situation. It is important to be educated and obtain expert advice for accurate and up-to-date information specific to your case, keeping in mind that tax rules and regulations are subject to constant change.


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